It's Page 150, gang! Holy cow!
Sometimes I honestly can't believe this nonsense has gone on this long :D Thanks for sticking with me, all you lovely readers! Your comments never fail to brighten my days :)
Here's to another 150!!! *faints dead away*
9 thoughts on “Of Tycoons and Other Terrors.”
slim kittens
Ah, Vinny. My second favorite Crooked Mile character.
Uncle Mortemius
Good old Vinny, she’s so delightfully horrid… I believe Pashmina is your fave if I recall correctly — you’ve got such good taste!
Krishna Jha
Pashmina’s my favorite too.. Claire comes second. Where is Claire, by the way? She hasn’t come this entire chapter yet..
Yay all caught up!! I love this comic
I missed a few updates ‘cause the RSS feed hadn’t updated
do you still have a feed I can subscribe to?
Uncle Mortemius
I’m so glad you enjoy it ^_^
Wow, I see what you mean about the RSS, looks like it hasn’t been updating since December…d’oh! I’m not techy enough to know what’s going wrong. I’ve had RSS problems with my other comic as well, and I’ve got someone working on that, so hopefully it’ll be the same fix and I can apply it here too. I’ll update you when I know more!
Uncle Mortemius
Oh! I just remembered — I played with my domain name settings a couple months ago, and I bet I broke the feed you were subscribed to then. If you were using, try changing it to Let me know if that fixes it! Really glad you mentioned this, my email updates haven’t been sending either and I think that’s why!
Uncle Mortemius
Hi again Andy! I *finally* figured out the feed reader issue. Try using in your feedreader. I just tested that out in mine and it seems to work! *fingers crossed*
They should hook up! Vinny would be such a good influence on her
It’s good to see Mortemius and Sister Mary Wrathful agree on something.