Saw your ad on my tmtk site, this is awesome! Such a nice style, great work! Bookmarked to read it. ^^
Aw, thanks, Leah! That means a lot! I checked out TMtK — your art is gorgeous! I’m following you too
Awesome comic:) Adding you to my list of favorites so my fans can check you out, too. I love your style!
Oh my gosh, thanks, Jade! That’s so cool! (Love Shards, btw! I was intrigued and checked it out as soon as I saw the title on Project Wonderful It’s really exciting seeing Owen listed in your faves!)
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4 thoughts on “A Hideous Beast Enters.”
Saw your ad on my tmtk site, this is awesome! Such a nice style, great work! Bookmarked to read it. ^^
Owen's Uncles
Aw, thanks, Leah! That means a lot! I checked out TMtK — your art is gorgeous! I’m following you too
Jade Griffin
Awesome comic:) Adding you to my list of favorites so my fans can check you out, too. I love your style!
Owen's Uncles
Oh my gosh, thanks, Jade! That’s so cool! (Love Shards, btw! I was intrigued and checked it out as soon as I saw the title on Project Wonderful
It’s really exciting seeing Owen listed in your faves!)