D'oh! You GUYS!! I just found this page sitting in my drafts, and it's been there for WEEKS! I mean, I'd be behind a couple of updates anyway, but still...!
So sorry for the long gaps between updates these days :( I just can't believe what a roller coaster the past few months have been. Now we're back in the midst of an awful fire season here in California, expecting evacuation orders literally any minute. Along with that, I started a new job last month that's super difficult and tiring. It's just a lot!
However...I do have the next few chapters all scripted out for Owen & Co., so don't think I'm abandoning them :) Updates will continue to be spotty for a bit, but they'll always come around eventually!
As always, thank you all so much for sticking around!
10 thoughts on “The Beast Revealed!”
John P.
Welcome back, Ms. Mitchell! Glad to hear that your absence was due to a new job. You would be amused to hear some of the scenarios that went through this avid reader’s mind..especially after reading Crooked Mile. Good luck with the Dixie fire!
Uncle Mortemius
So sorry to have worried you! You must have thought the Old Ones got me
But never fear, I’m one of their loyal cultists–they’ll certainly spare me!
Thank you so much for the good wishes. We need it–the Dixie fire is making me very nervous right now
The evacuations are just a few miles down the road from me. But we’re all packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice, so we’ll stay safe! You take care of yourself too 
I may have missed something but I do want to ask if you are ok with the fires now? I hate to pry but we have entered into your imaginative world and care about the creator. Hope the job is going well, too!!
slim kittens
It’s a Kobald!
Uncle Mortemius
You’re good with your folklore creatures!
Hmmm. Well, living in mines would certainly fit the folklore. But Lovecraftian works tend to put a lie to the folklore…Though I think Rob Thurman ended up doing an even job of that.
I was wondering if this might be a child Lovecraftian ghoul, or maybe just a normal ghoul for the Owen universe.
So glad to see the links fixed and new pages up!
Uncle Mortemius
I hope the links are fixed! I couldn’t really find anything wrong, but it all seems to be working on my end, so fingers crossed
Peya Luna
*browtwitch* just what do they mine that draws such thingies?!
Mike Tayse
I just came upon this story(12.5.22) and really like it. Sorry to hear about the threat of fires, no one would like that! I work full time as an art teacher here in Ohio. Just being nosy, but what kind of job did you get? Love the story and keep up the great work!