Poor boy. Such sweet smiles. He hasn’t a hope against their feminine charms (or do I mean wiles?). The nuns really should have warned him.
Time for a letter to the problem page of “Manners Monthly”, I think:
Dear Miss Manners
I am a poor orphan boy, adopted by my two uncles. They have forbidden me to go into the laboratory without them, so of course I don’t. But now two girls have asked to visit the laboratory and of course I don’t like to disappoint ladies. What should I do?
Now I come to think of it, “Poste restante, Crooked Mile” would probably go to the Cayot’s shop, so Claire would be able to correct any mistakes in the reply. Not that she would even dream of reading a letter addressed to someone else, of course.
Oh, I think you just uncovered one of Claire’s investigative techniques! Seeing all the post that comes through the general store would give one a great deal of insight into a small town’s secrets. And if a lot of those envelopes are poorly sealed and just happen to come open in one’s hands, well, that isn’t Claire’s fault, now, is it?
They just happened to fall open after she (accidentally!) held them over a steam kettle and then (still accidentally!) worked them open with a butter-knife?
That letter made me laugh out loud! Now I’m always going to imagine that Owen does write to Manners Monthly’s advice column, probably on a regular basis, even if we never see it for ourselves.
Okay, when I go to the main page there’s a different comic. I hit the “previous” link, and this one shows up. But there is no “next” link attached to this comic. Something has gone wrong with the site organization.
Thanks for the heads-up! I’m not sure what’s been going on, but I’ve combed through the past few months’ pages and the nav buttons *seem* to be working now–although they always seemed to be working from my end, so I’m not exactly sure what was happening!
Anyway, I appreciate you letting me know, and sorry I didn’t reply sooner
14 thoughts on “Owen Puts His Foot Down.”
Peya Luna
oh my! for a moment there i almost thought owen developed some backbone
Uncle Mortemius
Growing a spine is a long, slow process, with many setbacks
I have been working on it for several decades myself, with very little to show for it
No doubt they will just go in, discretely look around without touching anything, and leave with nobody the wiser.
Of course they will. Just like Amanda in Ed’s basement.
Uncle Mortemius
Certainly! Claire is a level-headed and experienced investigator, after all.
Poor boy. Such sweet smiles. He hasn’t a hope against their feminine charms (or do I mean wiles?). The nuns really should have warned him.
Time for a letter to the problem page of “Manners Monthly”, I think:
Dear Miss Manners
I am a poor orphan boy, adopted by my two uncles. They have forbidden me to go into the laboratory without them, so of course I don’t. But now two girls have asked to visit the laboratory and of course I don’t like to disappoint ladies. What should I do?
O.H. Poste restante, Crooked Mile
Now I come to think of it, “Poste restante, Crooked Mile” would probably go to the Cayot’s shop, so Claire would be able to correct any mistakes in the reply. Not that she would even dream of reading a letter addressed to someone else, of course.
Uncle Mortemius
Oh, I think you just uncovered one of Claire’s investigative techniques! Seeing all the post that comes through the general store would give one a great deal of insight into a small town’s secrets. And if a lot of those envelopes are poorly sealed and just happen to come open in one’s hands, well, that isn’t Claire’s fault, now, is it?
They just happened to fall open after she (accidentally!) held them over a steam kettle and then (still accidentally!) worked them open with a butter-knife?
Uncle Mortemius
That letter made me laugh out loud! Now I’m always going to imagine that Owen does write to Manners Monthly’s advice column, probably on a regular basis, even if we never see it for ourselves.
That could be another idea for a short story: a few sample pages from Manners Monthly.
I love the look on the girls faces in the second to last picture sooo much! I have revisitet the page already a few times just to see it again
Okay, when I go to the main page there’s a different comic. I hit the “previous” link, and this one shows up. But there is no “next” link attached to this comic. Something has gone wrong with the site organization.
Uncle Mortemius
Thanks for the heads-up! I’m not sure what’s been going on, but I’ve combed through the past few months’ pages and the nav buttons *seem* to be working now–although they always seemed to be working from my end, so I’m not exactly sure what was happening!
Anyway, I appreciate you letting me know, and sorry I didn’t reply sooner