In case it's not clear: the little gooey squiggly things are still dead, even though they're moving. They're being moved by something -- but what?!? I was tempted to draw little x's on their eyes, but I settled for closed, for the sake of the hyper-realism I aim for, you know :)

3 thoughts on “The Misbehaving Jar.”
Peya Luna
screw x´s over the eyes or not, what ARE those things? tadpoles? leeches? heck, until you mentioned eyes i totally thought ‘pickled tongues’ 😉
Uncle Mortemius
ha! Pickled tongues, I like that 🙂 I don’t know what they are! Possibly a genetically engineered monstrosity involving all the things you mentioned.
John Gallant
Whatever is animating those blobs of tissue, it seems to know Owen’s there, thinking about stomping…
Issue #3 available in print now!