And why is one whole panel entirely focused on Pashmina's bathing rituals?'s a, um, storytelling device designed to, uh...well it's very complicated to explain to the layperson. But I can assure you it was NOT because I just wanted to draw a kitty! No sir! No more questions! This press conference is over! *runs off*
9 thoughts on “Many Literary Gems Have ‘Curse of’ in the Title, Owen.”
Peya Luna
there can never be enough cute kitty pictures in the world! also, i´m fascinated how the cats expression/body language always seems to match owens
Uncle Mortemius
I figure it never hurts to throw in a cute kitty pic!
She does generally follow his lead, except when she’s in the middle of an important bathing ritual.
So chuffed at the Bellairs homage.
Uncle Mortemius
Ha! I’m so glad someone caught it
I’m a long-time fan. I consider that one his second-best book.
Uncle Mortemius
oh, cool! He’s one of my inspirations, for sure
What’s your pick for best?
Did you ever read the one (if I’m not mistaken) book he wrote for adults, The Face in the Frost? I loved that one!
The House with a Clock in Its Walls is hands-down #1 for me. I must have read it at least a dozen times. But Curse of the Blue Figurine came close.
I know I at least looked for The Face in the Frost (I’ve ready nearly all of his books, most of them ages ago), but I can’t for the life of me remember if I ever found or read it…now I want to.
Uncle Mortemius
Oh, I loooved House With a Clock in Its Walls! Did you ever look at the pictures online of the real house that he based the story on when it was for sale a few years ago? It was a foreclosure and would actually have been affordable! I was so sad I didn’t hear about it in time — I was truly half-convinced I would have bought it
OMG that would have been amazing to know! Ah well. Probably saved ourselves a lot of unsettling ticking…