The Captives.

8 thoughts on “The Captives.

  1. I’m glad this is continuing, and that I wasn’t just checking this daily for no reason.

  2. Well, it does explain the bad odor about the place.
    Hot vats tend to do that.

  3. Could that bag possibly contain Sister Mary Wrathful…? 😮

  4. I love how all 7 of them are looking in in panel 3.

  5. So the place runs on goblinoid oil?

  6. Forward navigation missing on this page

  7. Will this series be continued? I’m greatly enjoying it.

    1. Definitely, and should be soon now! I’m just wrapping up my other comic Ninecrow first, which ends in May. Then it’s back to the Crooked Mile gang! I have the next couple pages in progress, and the next chapters are written. It’s just a matter of finding the time! If you’re on my mailing list, you’ll be notified as soon as a new page posts 🙂 There should be a subscribe button in the menu on the right.

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