Hello hello, long time no see! I do apologize for the long silence. We're still existing in what feels like a smoky post-apocalyptic hellscape here in California, but I've managed to cobble together a few pages of Crooked Mile between migraines!
Also, I have a special treat for the month of October -- I've launched a brand-new comic! How can I do *two* comics when I can't even keep Crooked Mile updated regularly, you ask? Well, maybe I can't! But for now, at least, let me have my dreams :)
This is a story I wrote several years ago, and I just REALLY want to get it out in the world now. So if you're looking for something creepy for spooky season, go check out Ninecrow! (FYI: if you'd rate Crooked Mile as G or PG, Ninecrow would be a PG-13. Some swearing, and definitely darker themes than Crooked Mile.) I'll be posting a new page EVERY DAY for the month of October!
11 thoughts on “Sister Mary Wrathful Says What We’re All Thinking.”
So sulfur maybe?
Peya Luna
or rotting bodies? that would certainly explain the amount of insects…..
Thanks for the update!
Glad you’re okay! Well, as okay as can be given the circumstances. Here’s hoping the migraines go away soon!
Uncle Mortemius
Thank you for reading, and for the kind thoughts!
Welcome back. I’ve been terrified that there might never be another update. It’s not good for my heart (just like the picture of Orphadel in the blog).
Uncle Mortemius
So sorry to worry you, KS! I have the story entirely outlined and partially scripted, so never fear–it WILL be finished someday *knock wood*
It just might take a few more years! (I say with a mixture of quiet determination/growing madness)
Welcome back!!! And please, do take care of yourself
Uncle Mortemius
Thank you so much! I appreciate that
Funny how she denounces alchemy as heretical but lists off Darwin and Galileo, who were certified heretics and blasphemers by the Catholic Church.
Uncle Mortemius
Oh, don’t ask me to be accurate about the Catholic Church! That’s no fun. Perhaps the Our Lady of Most Holy Melancholia was founded by an offshoot of Catholicism that still says rosaries, but isn’t in perfect agreement on doctrine…? Maybe it’s…Melancholism? Or Sister Mary Wrathful just does her own thing XD
It’s quite possible we have a character akin to Mustapha Mond: a person in power familiarizes themself with the knowledge they condemn To better combat it.