Goodness! High drama in Cragview Manor this evening! I'm with Gunther--let's all try to behave ourselves with a bit more decorum going forward, shall we? This is a dignified webcomic, not one of Uncle Orphadel's ridiculous gothic novels!

Goodness! High drama in Cragview Manor this evening! I'm with Gunther--let's all try to behave ourselves with a bit more decorum going forward, shall we? This is a dignified webcomic, not one of Uncle Orphadel's ridiculous gothic novels!
3 thoughts on “Owen Pleads the Fifth.”
Three copies for the price of one!
More seriously, the look on Sister Mary Wrathful as she talks to Owen is completely different to that when she talks to his uncles. Well done! Maybe she isn’t as wrathful as all that.
Uncle Mortemius
Oh ho, but I’ll have the last laugh after I fix it and then your comment will just look CRAZY! Ooh, what’s KS talking about, 3 copies?? I can’t imagine…
John Gallant
Clearly Owen prefers his uncles and the scary unknown over Our Lady of Most Holy Melancholia. Can’t say I blame him.