Psst…want more Crooked Mile right now?

I know, I know: The suspense for next week’s installment is just KILLING you!

Well, guess what? You can read next week’s page right now, this minute! *gasp* Yes, I understand, it’s a dream come true. I’ll give you a minute to calm down.

Just go to my Patreon page and become a supporter for any amount (okay, any amount other than, like, one penny, because it won’t let you do less than a buck). Ta-da! You immediately have access to next week’s page. You’ll continue to get advance pages of Crooked Mile every week, along with sneak peeks at other works in progress. You can also get fun stuff like desktop wallpaper and prints! And you’ll be helping me achieve goals like paying for advertising. Cool, right? Owen and the Uncles appreciate your support! (I always like to blame them when I’m doing awkward promotional stuff.)

Become a patron at Patreon!

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