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All Worries Behind You.

Look, I'm just saying if you're part of a club that DOESN'T go out in black robes in the middle of the night to do some Latin chanting, you need to ask yourself why you're even bothering.

12 thoughts on “All Worries Behind You.

  1. The last panel makes a wonderful family group photo to hang on the wall.

    As for the latin chants, that couldn’t be the nuns from the Ol’ Mhmpm Pot, could it?

  2. Sorry, I meant Mhmph, obviously.


      …don’t worry, I have to stop and work it out every time I write it 🙂

  3. I binged read it from the beginning in a day.
    And now waiting for the next one is almost unbearable. 🙁

    1. Holy wow! The whole mess in one day?!

      high praise

      1. and now I am binge re-reading it!

        1. Uncle Mortemius

          Aw, that’s so cool! Thank you!! 😀

  4. On second thoughts, it’s probably the three old women in Ninecrow

    1. OMG!! O.o

      Basically the lesson is, never go into the woods in any story I write.

  5. Hi just got recommend this comic by Google.

    I just wanted to say, with all the Foo shenanigans, they really need the Foo fighters

    1. Help us, Dave Grohl, you’re our only hope!

  6. Oh no, I’m all caught up now 🙁

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