At Home in Cragview Manor.

And we're back to Cragview Manor after a lovely afternoon in Crooked Mile! It's so pleasant to be back home with the angry butler, the creepy housekeeper who only skulks around after dark, and the lab where things make noises even when no one's there, isn't it? And we have Uncle Orphadel when we need some company that's a little more warm and fuzzy! I'd love to sit with him and read Heiress of Windy Moor...

4 thoughts on “At Home in Cragview Manor.

  1. As a musician, I feel compelled to wonder whether Orphadel would be one of those guardians who considers musical training vital to intellectual development, or one of those guys who considers it namby-pamby nonsense for fops and women

    1. Sorry, I meant Mortemius, not Orphadel, and I can’t change it

      1. no worries, I knew! đŸ™‚ I don’t know if I have somewhere in settings I can make comments editable — I’ll check that out.

    2. That’s a good question! I’m leaning towards nonsense for fops and women — he strikes me as a strictly STEM kinda guy…no funding for the arts in Mortemius’s world!

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