Another Fine Comic Brought to You by Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.

I know what you're thinking: the product placement in this comic is just getting out of control!

Well, call me a sellout, but I stand by Mrs. Winslow's fine product (pay no attention to that unfortunate business with the nickname -- you know, "the baby-killer"). Anyway, these bills don't pay themselves!

(On that note, don't forget you can always kick me a buck on Patreon if you're so inclined! You'll get early access to comics and other stuff, and maybe someday I can stop taking that sweet, sweet soothing syrup money . . . and then spending it on that sweet, sweet soothing syrup. . . )

6 thoughts on “Another Fine Comic Brought to You by Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.

  1. Nice gasp. Boy laughed so hard he had to get a running start

    1. Ha! Exactly!! ^_^

  2. Just want to say that I appreciate the complexity you’re putting into our boy here. He had that vision of his uncles at their first meeting; he’s been mistreated by them; he knows there is something (or some things) seriously off in the house. Everyone else in town has shunned him, and now this one person is willing to treat him like a human being and even confide in him somewhat, and he’s utterly failing to appreciate her–or even to simply listen and get whatever benefit or information he can from her.

    As a reader (and I mean since childhood, so, decades), I have pretty much always looked for a hero/underdog to root for, and I get tripped up when the protagonist you *want* to root for is, well, being stupid. But that makes me realize that what’s really going on is that we’re getting a character that is much more like a human in the real world, i.e., also stupid about things. Social anxiety, fear, a mere effort to protect one’s pride–all these things make us do stupid things, and it increases the depth of the character to see that coming to life in the story.

    Great job!

    1. Wow! You have no idea how much this comment means to me. Thank you so much — it’s amazing to think that anyone is reading along with this much attention and interest!

      I know exactly what you mean about the frustration of watching characters make stupid decisions. I try to find that balance of letting characters screw up and be idiots sometimes (especially out of fear and/or awkwardness–I have NO idea where my interest in those issues comes from…*nonchalant whistling*), but not to the point that they’re too irritating to root for. Thank you again for taking the time to comment and let me know I’m not just writing for myself here! 🙂

  3. The expression on that cat is priceless. 🙂

  4. The cat licking her booty 😂

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