Chapter 13: The Three Investigators.

10 thoughts on “Chapter 13: The Three Investigators.

  1. I love this picture and I’m looking forward to the new chapter. Good to see Pashmina with them.

  2. If this is a shout-out to the book series I read as a kid, I heartily approve. (I heartily approve in any case, I love this story.)

    1. It absolutely is 🙂 I loved those guys so much!

    2. Ha! I just about to post the same thing! I still can’t remember if we got a year or decade this is occurring in, if he needs to be established by this time line, pretty sure too early for Lovecraft. Far too late to replace him with Poe (unless we use his ghost). Hmm, who would be a time appropriate patron? Can’t think of anyone time appropriate, let alone in New England, generally.

      1. We get a couple of hints

        In, the uncles are dancing to a song released in 1911.

        And in Cayot’s store has an advertisement for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup (with a very interesting comment by Dora). It was sold in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

        1. Well, the second doesn’t help so much, but the first certainly does. Heck, we could practically be post WW (I). Even for out in the middle of nowhere, there should be talk if it was going on. I can’t remember, but I don’t think was any talk about someone going off to a current or recent past war. So shall we say early 1910s? Mid at latest?

  3. Shouldn’t that be “four”, with Pashmina? Anyway, I’m looking forward to this chapter

  4. This and Ninecrow are my favorite reads! I look forward to each and every update!

  5. Hi. I just wanted to let you know that I can’t go forward to the next comic, even though I can go back to this one from The Dreadful Book.

    1. Now I can go forward. Must just be a glitch with my laptop. Sorry to bother you.

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