Gunther Moonlights as a Handyman.

Get it? Get it? HANDyman? All right, all right, I apologize, that was awful...but hey, I know you guys can handle a bad pun or two. *snerk*

Okay, FINE, I'll stop now. You commenters are funnier than I am anyway, I know you can best me at the pun game...handily.


4 thoughts on “Gunther Moonlights as a Handyman.

  1. That doesn’t look suspicious at all!

  2. Well aren’t you a rake? That puts you on the left. But you shoveled puns based on the same word at us twice. That will have our tongues wagon about a hand.

  3. CHOMP! This is my second favorite strip so far.

    So after Owen is turned into a zombie, is Pashmina going to have her own comic?

  4. That’s a LOTTA rhesus monkeys! 😮

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