Lavinia has a Wonderful, Awful Idea.

8 thoughts on “Lavinia has a Wonderful, Awful Idea.

  1. They definitely do not look on eavesdropping kindly in Manners Monthly

  2. btw, just want to say that you are doing AWESOME with this comic! I love it!

    1. You are so kind, thank you! I’m sorry for taking so long to reply — sometimes I get so much anxiety about checking the comments that I just can’t read them for weeks at a time! It’s pretty silly… But I always see them *eventually*, and your kindness is much appreciated! Really glad you’re enjoying it 🙂

  3. Oh yes, she is well on her path of corrupting others with ease. She may have just had this entire exchange mapped out ahead of time.

  4. I just realized. She let the lying thing go with the Manners Monthly subscription. Likely because it was so entertaining in its patheticness..

    1. Lol! That *was* pretty pathetic! Oh, Owen, you poor thing…you are just in over your head dealing with Lavinia! XD

  5. I have to say, the sight of Owen cradling Rajah like a sleeping infant is unfathomably adorable.

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