Lavinia Was Gaslighting Before It Was Cool.

Nice touch, Lavinia. And that soft lighting really brings out the Innsmouth Look in your eyes--very flattering!

9 thoughts on “Lavinia Was Gaslighting Before It Was Cool.

  1. There’s something fishy going on… And no, it’s not about the Innsmouth look! XD

    1. lol! Well, it’s not *only* about the Innsmouth Look! 😛

  2. Heh. Now Rajah is Owen’s teddy bear.

    1. Animals seem to find Owen very soothing!

  3. Yes. It DOES have a VERY SPOOKY EFFECT.

  4. If Veruca salt had collided with Wednesday Adams..

    1. Ha! that’s it exactly 🙂

  5. I knew Owen reminded me of Lovecraft himself! At least lookwise…

    1. Oh my gosh…you’re right! That’s hilarious 😆

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