Miss Blackhope is the Life of the Party.

Ta-da! Another delightful little friend for Owen. Sure, Lavinia may seem a little cold and creepy on the surface, but underneath...well, it's pretty much just cold and creepy all the way down. But the important thing is, she's also rich and spoiled, and isn't that what really counts?!

3 thoughts on “Miss Blackhope is the Life of the Party.

  1. Be a bit more careful this time, heh. That won’t worry Owen at all….

  2. I don’t know, it looks like she likes that monkey. Anyone who can tolerate some spastic…*thing* crawling all over them must have enough patience with lesser folk to make friends with poor people, if it suits them.

  3. So we have had all the characters picture on the banner introduced, though the parents only in flashback, of course.

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