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Owen Chooses a Side.

Gasp! Is our Owen becoming...a fibber?! At this rate, he's going to end up being better at coming up with cover stories than the Uncles are (although, to be fair, they are *terrible* at that)...

3 thoughts on “Owen Chooses a Side.

  1. Well, that’s not ominous at all. No sir, not at all.

  2. *gulp* now why do i get the feeling those ‘appropriate circumstances’ will involve dissecting sister mary? perhaps because not only mortemius, but also the usually sweet+harmless looking uncle orph look positively sinister in the last panel……

    seriously, they look like the male versions of the witch in hansel+gretel….with sister mary being the (already fattened) future roast

  3. Owen is becoming a playah.

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