Owen in the Night Kitchen.

Hmm...seems like I remember Owen getting some sort of warning...something about roaming the house at night....oh well, I'm sure it was nothing! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 thoughts on “Owen in the Night Kitchen.

  1. To the author comment, well, I haven’t seen a bed pan, so, that shouldn’t have been not going to the bathroom or the kitchen.

    That aside, if this were that kind of comic, a mini-Gunther and mini-Claire should appear on his right and left shoulders respectively on the subject of snooping. :/

    1. Oh ho my friend, check again! There’s a chamberpot in his bedside table in the fourth panel! And I copied the style of it faithfully from my Playmobil Victorian dollhouse set, so we can have no doubt that it’s historically accurate ?

      Now, of course Owen should *also* have a pitcher of water on the washstand, but, er, ummm….Guther forgot to fill it this night! Which means everything that happens next is really on Gunther ?

    2. …also, I really wish I’d thought of the mini-Gunther and mini-Claire 🙁

  2. Well whoops! Good attention to detail. I just missed it.

  3. As to the mini-Gunther and mini-Claire, don’t sweat. I think though bubble panels with them saying stuff to Owen (which could be right and left, respectively or not) is more fitting of the comic style. One with Gunther wagging his finger and simply saying, “No snooping!” and Claire rubbing her hands together with something like “This is the perfect chance to investigate!”. Actually, Claire first, Gunther next, and then Claire again with a innocent-not innocent look saying something like, “It’s not snooping…”, maybe with arms and hands splayed out and followed with Claire again, finger raised “…it’s (italics or other font change) investigating!”

    Or something like that. I’m sure there will be a circumstance later in the comic. Just let this seed grow. 🙂

  4. I’m surprised no one has complimented you on panel 1 yet. Amazingly freaky. It captures exactly how one feels when they have just woken up from night terrors!

  5. I like panel 7. The lighting on the bust is known in journalist circles as the “Frankenstein flash.”
    That was back in the day when they had to use flash bulbs on their “subjects.”

    1. Oh, that’s a neat little fun fact! Never heard that term before, just like the effect 🙂

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